T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
Greenspace Ecological Solutions (GES) offer a wide range of reptile related services, from reptile habitat assessments, reptile presence/likely absence surveys, reptile re/translocation exercises and mitigation strategies.
Adder, grass snake, common lizard, slow worm, sand lizard and smooth snake are UK native reptile species and all six are protected by UK law. Sand lizard and smooth snake are classed as European protected species and are therefore also protected by Regulation 41 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulation 2010.
Reptile surveys are conducted to record whether any of these reptile species are present within the development area or nearby, and if so, how they use the site. All our surveyors are proficient in the use of current industry standard survey techniques, ensuring that our reptile surveys and reports meet the stringent requirements of planning authorities whilst retaining a sites integrity to support reptiles both during and post development.
Following completion of a survey, a report is produced, detailing the survey methodology and results, we also include specific mitigation measures and licensing requirements if required. This report would be suitable for submission with a planning application.
Our company policy ensures that only suitably experienced surveyors will be deployed to conduct reptile habitat assessment surveys, and only those proficient in the handling of those reptile species present within your site will be deployed for any re/translocation.
Services we offer;
Through the application of detailed up to the minute survey work, concise reporting and the implementation of proportionate mitigation and recommendations, we provide a bespoke affordable service, and enjoy the challenge of keeping projects moving. We pride ourselves on our understanding of current reptile legislation and good practice guidelines and aim to provide effective solutions and recommendations in every instance.
We believe firmly that the development of a strong client relationship is key to effective project management; and we will guide you through and provide helpful informative solutions to meet the needs of both planning authorities and protective species legislation.
Each project is issued with a Lead Ecologist who is here to help guide you through your project, and whether it be for residential or commercial development, utilities works, road schemes, renewable energy builds, parks maintenance or mineral extractions we are here to help. We work with those that require surveys due to planning and those that are looking for advice on how to enhance land within their ownership.
Priding ourselves on the provision of affordable yet appropriate solutions to reptile exclusion fencing through use of our associate contractors, we can further enhance areas of mitigation through the installation of hibernacula, log piles and native planting. Providing a care package for ongoing fence repair/maintenance throughout the development, we can further ensure peace of mind in regard to on-site ecology.
It should be noted that although surveys to establish a sites suitability to support reptiles can be conducted throughout the year, due to seasonal constraints, the optimal period for presence/likely absence surveys and re/translocation exercises are the months of April – June (inclusive) and September – early October, however these timings can be flexible if suitable weather conditions are present.
If you would like to discuss the need or not for a reptile survey or are just looking for some advice, why not contact us today to discuss the details with a member of our team.
With projects extending across the South, core areas of work include Kent, Sussex, Surrey, London, Hampshire, Dorset, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks, Hertfordshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall… we are here to help.