T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licences are required from the Regulatory Authority (in England this is Natural England) if an activity is reasonably likely to affect an European Protected Species (EPS) in a manner that will result in an offence under the Conservation of Species and Habitats Regulations 2010 (as amended). This is usually determined by the ecological consultant following surveys that have an identified a EPS to be present on the site.
The EPSM licence makes what would otherwise be an illegal activity, legal, but in order for the Regulatory Authority to issue a licence, an application must be submitted that demonstrates how the three derogation tests are met. This application typically consists of a Method Statement and Application Form with supporting figures and plans. For some projects, a Reasoned Statement is also required. More information on EPS’s and the licensing process can be found here.
We have a vast amount of experience in preparing and submitting EPSM licences for a wide diversity of projects affecting EPS’s such as bats, great crested newts and dormice. We work closely with our clients throughout every stage of the licence preparation process to ensure that the mitigation strategy and timescales outlined in the licence are appropriate and achievable. Once the licence is granted we also provide advice and support throughout the development and oversee key stages of work in accordance with the licence.
If you require an EPSM licence or wish to seek advice as to whether a licence is required then please feel free to contact us.