T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
Ecological chapters of Impact Assessments (EcIA) are either required as a formal part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or to provide useful information to independently assess the impacts of a scheme on the ecological interest of a site. It is an iterative process with ecological baseline data directly informing the impact assessment which in turn informs amendments to the design of the scheme to reduce impacts, wherever possible.
GES has worked on several medium to large scale projects requiring EcIA and has been involved from the initial stages in collecting ecological baseline data through to designing mitigation measures and producing the final EcIA document. Throughout this process we liaise with our clients and their architects and planning agents together with any statutory and non-statutory consultees to guide the project through the planning and EcIA process.
Our ecological impact assessments are undertaken in accordance with best practice guidelines outlined by CIEEM and all surveys are undertaken in-line with the relevant best practice guidelines to ensure a robust submission. Mitigation features are also designed with a dual purpose wherever possible (e.g. habitat creation on bunds designed to provide noise and visual screening).
If you are working on a scheme that requires EcIA then please contact us today as we would be more than happy to assist you.