T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
The hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) and their habitats are fully protected under current UK legislation and the South of England has an abundance of suitable habitats. To avoid unnecessary delays we suggest consideration to the need for dormouse surveys be given at the earliest stages of planning and our team is here to guide you through your project.
We offer a range of dormouse surveys from habitat suitability assessments to presence/likely absence surveys and re/translocation exercises under licence. We work with a wide array of clients, for whom we produce habitat management plans, offer advice on the need or not for European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licences and if required produce licence applications which fulfill the legal obligations of our client’s needs.
Services we offer in relation to dormice include;
We comply with the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme (NDMP) and Natural England’s recognised methodology when surveying for dormice. If presence/likely absence surveys are required, dormouse tubes and/or boxes are installed in areas of suitable habitat within the site and checked throughout the survey season. It should be noted that although surveys to establish a sites suitability to support dormice can be conducted throughout the year, due to seasonal constraints related to the dormice, the period for presence/likely absence surveys are conducted in the months of April – November (inclusive), with absence only determined after a total of 20 points are obtained using the appropriate assessment indices.
We work closely with clients and each project is issued with a Lead Ecologist who is here to help guide you through your project, whether it be for residential or commercial development, utilities works, road schemes, renewable energy builds or general land maintenance, we are here to help. We believe firmly in the development of a strong client relationship and will guide you through the needs of the planning authorities and protective species legislation.
Through the application of detailed up to the minute survey work, concise reporting and the implementation of proportionate mitigation and recommendations, we provide a bespoke affordable service and pride ourselves on our understanding of current legislation and good practice guidelines for dormice. Our surveyors are proficient in current industry standards ensuring surveys and reports meet the stringent requirements of the planning authorities.
Priding ourselves on the provision of affordable yet appropriate solutions to dormouse habitat manipulation and construction, we can further enhance areas of mitigation through the introduction of broad-leaved woodland planting and hedgerows. Providing a care package for ongoing maintenance, we can further ensure peace of mind in regard to on-site ecology.
If you wish to discuss your project please contact us today, we aim to provide friendly advice and a cost effective solution.
With projects extending across the South, core areas of work include Kent, Sussex, Surrey, London, Hampshire, Dorset, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks, Hertfordshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall… we are here to help.