T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
We provide a wide range of protected species and ecological surveys, technical reporting, EPSM licensing and advice for the public sector, with projects ranging from infrastructure, hospital and school developments, through to public footpath and riverbank maintenance.
Each project is issued with a Lead Ecologist who is here to guide you through your project. We offer time and cost effective solutions to ensure projects remain on track, whilst being committed to developing the strong working relationships required to ensure a progressive approach is applied in every instance.
We offer site specific ecological advice to relevant third parties inclusive of Natural England, the Environment Agency, County / Local Councils, Wildlife Trusts and LPA’s.
Services we offer include;
If you would like to discuss the details of your project or are simply looking for some impartial advice, why not contact us today as we would be happy to assist.