T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
Greenspace Ecological Solutions (GES) offer a range of otter surveys from both the waterside and waterway. With an abundance of waterbodies throughout England, it is suggested that consideration to the need for an otter survey be given at the earliest stages of planning.
We pride ourselves on our understanding of current legislation and good practice guidelines for otter, and aim to provide appropriate recommendations in every instance. Otters and their place of rest are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) and additional protection is also provided by the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act (2000). Under the Habitats Regulations otters are classed as a European protected species and due to this given the highest level of protection.
Taken together the legislation makes it an offence to;
Should field signs of otter such as holts, couches, feeding remains, tracks or slides be present within or in close proximity to a development site, where it is likely that the otters will be either disturbed or harmed, a license from Natural England may be required.
We provide cost effective solutions to assess the potential for otter within or close to your site, this allowing a calculated assessment of the need to conduct presence/likely absence surveys. Our surveyors are proficient in the use of current industry standard survey techniques for otter, ensuring all surveys and reports meet the stringent requirements of local planning authorities, whilst ensuring the welfare and protection of the otter themselves.
We work with those that require surveys due to planning and also those that are simply interested in ecology and are looking for advice on how to enhance land within their ownership.
We offer;
We are proud to own our own inflatable rib which allows us to survey areas from the waterway if required, this often helps to speed up survey time and avoids any land access issues.
We believe firmly that the development of a strong client relationship is key to effective project management, we work closely with clients and each project is issued with a Lead Ecologist who is here to help guide you through your project, whether it be for residential or commercial development, river maintenance, utilities works, road schemes, renewable energy builds, we are here to help.
Our company policy ensures that only suitably experienced surveyors will be deployed to conduct otter surveys and where required we try to combine species and/or habitat surveys within the same site, this reduces the need for costly return visits.
Please note otter surveys can be conducted throughout the year, but must be undertaken in typical weather conditions and not after periods of heavy rain.
Previous clients include The Environment Agency, Developers and County Councils.
If you wish to discuss your project, why not contact us today, as we would be happy to assist.
With projects extending across the South, core areas of work include Kent, Sussex, Surrey, London, Hampshire, Dorset, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks, Hertfordshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall… we are here to help.