T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
We have provided BREEAM a assessments for projects ranging from small to large scale housing and education developments. Working closely with our clients throughout the assessment process enables us to achieve the maximum credits available the ecology sections and with the Eco credits being heavily weighted we have freqeuntly acheived both financial and time savings for our clientelle.
Each project is issued with a Lead Ecologist here to guide you through the process. We liaise with clients at key stages in order to ensure that the suggested ecological enhancements and their locations within a site are sympathetic to the design of the scheme whilst maximising the sites value for biodiversity and the credits available under ecology.
If you are working on a scheme where you are looking to achieve a sustainability assessment rating under BREEAM please contact us today as we would be more than happy to assist you.